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Friday, February 29, 2008 

The Simple Golf Swing

golf is such a great game! I started playing about 3 years ago after watching tiger Woods swing his driver. I just don't know why but that 20 sec commercial of his swing still send goose bumps down my spine. What followed was a $2500 golf set, tons of ebooks, magazines, David leadbetter Videos and many hours of happy practice at the golf Range.

I like to think I play decent golf, and I don't mean just scoring well. To me, having a simple golf swing that looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye is important. I don't want a swing that gets comments like, "He scores well but he has a funny swing". After all, the reason I picked up golf was so that I could have a simple golf swing swing that, I hope looked a little like tigers.

Call me a dreamer but hey, dreams are what keep men inspired and pursue the highest peaks of..what's that word...perfection! Yeah.

1 thing I found very helpful is to watch videos and read ebooks. I think for beginners to intermediates players, learning from ebooks and videos is many times better then hiring a coach. This is because the basics can be picked up quite effectively and when we forget certain concepts (concepts that are actually basic to the expert but are somewhat new to the golf newbie), we can easily go refer back to the material, refresh our golf knowledge then head back to the range to practice that particular golf thought.

As we progress further and when we wish to take things up a notch, then its worth spending the money to hire a good coach, or practice with a close friend, and make sure the take a video of you. Sometimes comments we may not agree with, after watching a video of our own swing, it naturally convinces us the changes we need to change in our swing.

If you like to get started on golf on the right foot and spend 1 year to build a beautiful simple swing, be sure to read alot about the golf swing before heading down to the range. Having the right golf thoughts while practicing will help you greatly!

This is the award winning guide Sherman used to build his elegant & yet simple golf swing

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