Tuesday, December 11, 2007 

Sept. 11th ABC Movie - Historically Accurate

Sometimes Hollywood does get it right. The landings at the beaches of Normandy in the Steven Spielberg movie, Saving Private Ryan is a vivid, stunning, blood and gore portrayal of the horror that young American troops freeing the world of Adolph Hitler faced. No book could portray this experience as accurately as the movie.

The disney company through its ABC subsidiary, has put together a $40 million dollar 5 hour experience of the events leading up to the September 11th tragedy at the world Trade Centers. Being a student of national security I was deeply surprised at how accurate the movie is. Even some of the actors physically looked like some of the actual participants in the events.

The senior Democratic leadership in the Congress pleaded with the network not to air the movie. They felt that the Democrats were being shown in a bad light, which they were. If you want to lead a country, you must take the hit politically when you are caught on the wrong side of an issue.

Beginning with Jimmy Carter, this country has treated acts of terrorism as a judicial process, a law and order issue, and not an ACT OF war. This policy was continued by every President, Republican or Democratic for over a quarter of a century, only President Bush to his credit, decided to call it what it is, war. Its the desire on the part of Islamic extremists to make the world unsafe for democracy.

The Democrats have much to lose because Senator Hillary Clinton would like to be President in the next 24 months, and former President Clinton is taking a hit on this movie as well. Bill Clinton personally called Robert Iger, the CEO of disney, and ABCs parent company to ask him to cancel the 5 hour drama. Clinton was told that the show was still being edited, and this was just 4 days before it would appear on television. Nobody edits that close to airtime. Whos kidding who? Nevertheless, it looks like 15 to 20 minutes were cut from the first nights portrayal.

one of the scenes that were altered at the former Presidents request showed Sandy Berger, former national security advisor to President Clinton in a telephone conversation with leaders of the CIA. The agency had a real time, live ground operation in progress to capture Osama Bin Laden going on while Berger on the phone simultaneously, couldnt make up his mind whether to proceed. Mens lives were at risk, and Berger cant make a decision. Finally, Berger hangs up the telephone rather than be pinned down. The scene showing Berger hanging up the phone was deleted.

Berger certainly doesnt come up in a good light. Neither does former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright for that matter. When it came to giving the approval to go after Bin Laden, Albright makes it very clear that regional considerations must come first, and then theres President Clinton himself. The movie does some job portraying the former President as out of touch, and even weak towards terrorism. To a very great extent this was simply the former President following in the same footsteps as every President before him during the preceding 25 years.

Former Presidents have all played the same tune. They treated terrorism as a legal issue. These people must be arrested, and brought to justice. Terrorists were waging war against the United States, and we in turn were waving arrest warrants, and grand jury indictments at them. This was just as true of Republican Presidents as well as Democratic Presidents. Nobody in a leadership position in Washington wanted to take on the terrorism issue.

It was far easier and face saving, to call it a legal issue. The current President George Bush changed all that. Whatever you think of the current President, he is the first American President in a quarter of a century to deal with terrorism for what it is, terrorism. It is a war pure and simple.

Now there are a lot of people in the world that hate us, thats the bad part. The good part is that 99% of these people dont have the money, energy, knowledge, or guts to follow through on their hatred. They cant execute, they cant get it done. Bin Laden had the wherewithal, and the organization to follow through, and thats just what he did. Ask anyone in the CIA, and they will tell you that the 9/11 plot was in no way the work of amateurs.

If you asked an intelligence agent his objective opinion, he would probably tell you the operation was well thought out, well run, well financed, and well executed. The cell even used our own technology (GPS tracking), and openness of our society against us. It was kept a small operation by the terrorists, and the goal was something that in an open society was unthinkable.

The ABC movie showed the continuing power of visual media over books. You can write a thousand books, but one movie can be seen by a hundred times people than those who read books.

Bin Laden knew the power of visuals. This is why he wanted the full force of the media to be involved in this tragedy, and thats just what he got. The man is evil, and hes a terrorist. We must also realize that with his money and organization he represents a threat that we have not seen before or since. He should have been dealt with by now. The scale of the danger he represents is too great, for this menace to be left alive in the mountains of Pakistan where he lurks.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Richard Stoyeck

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and StocksAtBottom.com.

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Train While You Gain - Why a Personal Trainer Can Make a Difference During Your Pregnancy

The average woman will gain between 25 and 30 pounds during her pregnancy, but how many women do you know that have gained upward of 50 pounds or even more? Keeping your weight gain in check can be difficult when youre eating for two,, but with the help of a personal trainer, you can ward off the inevitable excess baby weight.

Studies have shown that exercising throughout your pregnancy is not only good for your body, but good for your mind as well. Exercising makes you release endorphins which in turn can make you feel happier, and more stable. With the inevitable rapid moods changes and decreased energy that pregnant women experience, prenatal exercise can be very beneficial to both husband and wife! Prenatal exercise can also have a positive impact on the length of delivery and post partum weight loss. A woman who has more muscle tone and cardiovascular endurance will fare better in a labour room than one that does not. This is a true marathon event, and you want to be ready.

If youre the type of woman who already likes to exercise and has a program in place with a trainer, there is no need to slow down just yet. With your physicians approval you may continue your program until your body starts to slow you down. If you are not currently exercising and want to begin, you may also do so, but you need to be careful about going into it with your eyes open. pregnancy is not a time for weight loss goals, but instead, healthy weight gain goals with the forward focus on post natal weight loss.

During pregnancy, there are many issues to be concerned about such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and lethargy. At the 2002 annual meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Dr. Tanya K. Sorensen stated that vigorous exercise during pregnancy appears to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia. Exercise can help keep all of these conditions from occurring, and utilizing a personal trainer can help you get the most benefit from your workout. Just as you would during your regular sessions, your trainer will modify exercises for you as she sees fit, and tailor a program to meet your specific needs. You and your trainer will decide what feels best for you at each stage of your pregnancy, and you will feel at ease exercising knowing you are doing exercises that are good for both you and your expanding belly.

most non- pregnant women who exercise solo have a program in place that they vary infrequently due to lack of fitness knowledge and uncertainty about technique. More than ever, those things are important during pregnancy. You dont want the same routine in the first trimester as in the third, and a trainer can help with that. The type of workout that you get with a personal trainer is so customized to your specific needs throughout your pregnancy that you dont need to worry about doing an activity that might not be in your best interest. Proper technique and choice of exercises are most important during this crucial time since you could do more than just pull a muscle; you could effectively harm your baby.

Any questions or concerns you have about your program can be brought up and discussed with your trainer to make you feel completely confident that you are executing each exercise properly.

With the guidance of a personal fitness trainer, your prenatal workout should be worry-free, full of interesting exercises, and preparing your body for the biggest workout yet.


Birthing Naturally.Com. January, 2004. 01 May, 2005.

Discovery Health.Com. 01 May, 2005.

Nicole Palacios BSc, has been an integral part of the fitness industry for the past 11 years, working as both a group fitness instructor and as a personal trainer. She is certified through ACE and the BCRPA as a personal trainer, and is also a supervisor of fitness leaders. Her latest program is called Stroller Fitt- a walking and toning program for mothers and babies in Vancouver, Canada. Her passions include fitness writing, weight training, and helping her clients pursue their fitness dreams. Check out her website at http://www.perfectfit.ws, or contact by email at Nicole@perfectfit.ws

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