Sunday, December 2, 2007 

Cell Phone GPS Tracking

The development of communications technology has long since surpassed the sole ability to access others when they are mobile. Today, mobile communication devices are becoming much more technologically advanced and offer more than the ability to just carry on a conversation. cell phone GPS tracking is one of those advances.

GPS or global Positioning system tracks your location by interpreting the data received from 3 or more satellites. This has made GPS a popular feature in cars as a navigational aid.

All cell phones constantly broadcast a radio signal, even when not on a call. The cell phone companies have been able to estimate the location of a cell phone for many years using triangulation information from the towers receiving the signal. However, the introduction of GPS technology into cell phones has meant that cell phone GPS tracking now makes this information a lot more accurate.

With GPS technology now more commonplace in many new cell phones, this means that the location of anyone carrying a compatible cell phone can be accurately tracked at any time. cell phone GPS tracking can therefore be a useful feature for business owners and fleet managers who need to be able to keep track of their vehicle movements.

cell phone GPS tracking can also be a useful feature to the emergency services or police when responding to a 911 call from a GPS cell phone. For this reason, the FCC has legislated that wireless networks provide location information for 911 calls made from cell phones. These are known as E911 calls.

As technology advance even further, future features will be even more powerful. Imagine GPS cell phones used as a navigational device. based on the cell phone GPS tracking signal, they could be used to find your way to a location, calculate your speed based on your location change over time, from this calculate your estimated arrival time, suggest an alternative route and even phone the person you are calling to see with your ETA! Of course in car GPS navigation systems can already perform many of these tasks, however it is the portability of cell phones that makes them so useful for this technology.

cell phone GPS tracking could also be used to locate the whereabouts of your children and offer protection to elderly relatives should something happen and they need urgent assistance.

These features will help to secure the future of cell phone GPS tracking providing advantages for all.

For more information on cell phone GPS tracking and other GPS products visit today.

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Chronic Migrane Headaches

Some people suffer from headaches on a regular basis. They have these aches and pains, sometimes pounding headaches that are caused by all kinds of things, from the weather to stress to hormones that are naturally in the body. But there is a type of headache that is much worse than the others put together and is enough to bring even the strongest of us to our knees. This is what is commonly known as a migraine headache, and if the problem persists it can actually become chronic.

Migraines are typically broken down into two distinct types, some that come with an accompanying set of symptoms and another that does not have those symptoms. They include the following that may or may not accompany the headache, and usually occur before the headache begins. Light flashes and zigzag lines could be within your vision, and you may experience a hole in your line of sight, as if you can not see things when looking directly at them.

I know that my wife, when she has these signs can overcome the migraine by working on it at that point. The headache will then progress to perhaps a pain that is on one or both sides of the head, perhaps with pulsating or pounding sensations, nausea and an inability to function because of the pain. Some of the things that can cause a migrane headache are what are known as common triggers. They include hormonal changes in the body, different types of food, drinks, caffeine, nicotine, changes in the way that we sleep and in our environment and some medications that we may be taking.

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Yoga as an Aid to Bust Stress

Stress is a physical and psychological condition that demands more from the body. under these conditions a variety of changes happen in the body the increases the hormonal reactions to meet that demanding situation. A stress busting therapy should be able to cope up with the physical and the psychological needs of our body.

Yoga is the best remedy for beating stress in your daily life. Yoga has a lot of postures, breathing exercises and meditation that helps you to beat stress from your daily life. Lot of asanas are available in yoga for reducing stress. You can use these asanas to deal with stress. Yoga promotes self-awareness and during the process it helps you to deal with stress in your day to day life.

It was practiced traditionally in the eastern countries and now it is picking up in the western countries. Understanding the benefits of yoga, now many companies are sponsoring yoga courses for their employees. The workers who are practicing yoga are more relaxed and hence their productivity is increased. Moreover they are more healthy and creative. This has driven more and more companies to go after yoga for their employees.

The techniques in yoga that are used to relieve stress include controlled breathing, physical movement, stretching, mental imagery, and meditation. Combining all these in the yoga practices enables the person who is practicing it to beat stress. With regular practice of yoga you can unite your mind, body, and spirit. Although it is used in the earlier days for spiritual transformation, now you can use it to beat stress and have a good physical being.

There are many benefits of practicing yoga. Some of the benefits are reduced stress, cure from diseases, lowering the blood pressure, spiritual growth, sense of well being, reduced anxiety, increased flexibility & strength, relieved asthma and allergy symptoms, slowed aging process and sound sleep. It is sure that you get more benefit than the effort that you put in practicing yoga.

In practicing yoga there are poses that serve in the form of exercises and there are poses that are done for purely spiritual purposes. The poses can be done faster in some exercises, while in some they are done slowly with a breathing process in them. Both the types have their own benefits. Among the numerous benefits that you get out of yoga stress relief is just one.

You need to spend some time daily or on alternate days to practice yoga. You have to do them properly and for that it is better to learn yoga from a master who is good in yoga. Although it can be practiced on your own, we may not be sure about the correctness of the poses that we do. Hence initially it is better to learn from a master and then practice it at home when you find some time. Some people may have physical limitations to do some poses. Regular practice of yoga gives you an psychological edge over others who are not practicing it.

There are pill and herbs available in the market that are used for stress reduction in a person. Although you can go for this option, yoga is the best method as it gives you other benefits when you do stretching exercises, breathing exercises, meditation and guided imagery. Moreover practicing yoga requires commitment and effort to do it regularly and to get the benefits out of it.

You can do yoga after a hectic day at office or after a busy weekend. This would relax you and relieve you off your pain. There are different kinds of poses in yoga that can be used to relax you. You can perform a simple search in the internet to locate the websites that give you information on the different poses that are used for stress reduction.

Books and videos for reducing stress through yoga are also available in the market. You can make use of these and practice yoga postures that are given in it. It is always better to find a teacher who can teach you the poses properly. You can find out a yoga studio in your locality using the internet. There are many sites that lists down the courses offered at different locations. You can use these websites to find out one that is near your locality.

To learn more about various yoga exercises and to stay fit visit simple yoga exercises to stay fit. signup now at yoga beginners guide and get your free copy of the best selling ebook titled "A Beginner's Guide to Yoga".

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Photography and Bad Weather Conditions

When dark clouds roll into the sky most photographers run for shelter, but the ones who stay out and brave the weather can sometimes capture the most amazing photos. Bad weather can give photographers a chance to capture rain photos, snow photos, or even lightning photos. In the world of photography the rarer and harder to capture photos tend to sell for a higher price; so there is a potentially large market for bad weather conditions if you are a photographer.

Rain Photography

When it rains outside the moisture tends to create a shiny surface on most materials. In the cities the rain causes the streets to shine and the buildings to look gloomy. In the countryside the grass can shine with the right amount of light and droplets of water hanging from branches and leaves often sparkle. The clouds that accompany the rain also diffuse the available sunlight spreading it equally and removing shadows. I have found that rain can create amazing landscape, wildlife, and even portrait photos. Animals tend to curl up or tuck their heads into their fur in order to keep dry and warm offering some amazing nature photo opportunities. Portrait photos in the rain can also be very compelling because the light reflected off of peoples faces can often dominate the frame because the rain dampens the light reflected off of surroundings.

When it rains you will probably have to use either a longer shutter speed or a wider aperture because the clouds tend to also block out direct sunlight. In order to be prepared for rain you should have a waterproof bag for your camera as well as an umbrella or something else that you can use to shield the top of the lens so water doesnt reach the front of the lens and leave water droplets. I also always carry a tripod in the rain so I can make sure that I can do a long enough exposure without having the results blurry from cold shaky hands.


Many photographers spend hours trying to capture a bolt of lightning lighting up the scene in their photos. Lightning is definitely one of the hardest things to capture in a photograph. It definitely requires a tripod and often requires a very long shutter speed. Most photographers try to capture lightning by using the bulb option of shutter speed where the photographer simply just manually holds the shutter open as long as necessary until a bolt of lightning streaks through the sky and then the photographer closes the shutter right after the lightning passes so it is as bright as possible in the frame.

Snow Photography

Snow can change a landscape photo into a winter wonderland photo. The whiteness of the snow tends to add a nice contrast to the normal colors of a scene which makes for very effective photos. Snow photos can also make for unique nature photos and can often sell for a higher price because they are so appealing. Unfortunately some snowy locations where the very rare animals live such as penguins and polar bears are very hard to reach and require a great deal of risk and effort.

Bright and white snow can be trickier to capture effectively then most photographers think. The light readers on cameras tend to see snow as very bright so it sets the exposure for the brightness of the snow leaving the background and other objects almost as dark as a silhouette. Most experienced photographers overexpose the snow photos they take leaving the snow as bright as it is in real life and the rest of the frame well-exposed as it should be. Snow can also disrupt the cameras automatic white balance sensor so you should also make sure that you either adjust the white balance to suit the snow or switch the auto white balance mode to the snow white balance mode.

Storm Chasing

There are many serious and adventurous photographers that have devoted their careers to getting the best photos of hurricanes and tornadoes that Mother Nature has to offer. This type of photography is very dangerous but can also provide some high priced photos that are demanded by magazines and news conglomerates all over the country. Extreme storm photos are one of the only types of photos that can bring fear to the viewers who have the privilege of seeing them. They can also inspire wonder in viewers at the destructive power and forces of nature.

Storm photography requires some durable equipment and different techniques then other more normal types of photography. Some photographers stay relatively far away from the storm and just have to deal with rain and high winds. These photographers usually have covers and lens cleaners that they can use to clear the lens of water droplets quickly before they are ready to take a photo. Other photographers commonly leave cameras set up on tripods in the paths of a storm that they can operate by remote control from a safe location. These cameras are put in protective cases and have special tripods that can be drilled into the ground.


Bad weather should be looked at as an opportunity by photographers instead of as a nuisance that is avoided. Some of the best photos that I have taken have been in situations where there was rain, snow, or wind. I recommend that all serious photographers should carry a tripod and some kind of covering that can be used shield the camera from wind and moisture if they are going on a long trip with unpredictable weather. The successful photographers are the ones that are ready and willing to deal with difficult circumstances that other photographers would normally avoid.

Richard Schneider is a digital photography enthusiast and founder of which offers tips and news about digital photography, digital camera reviews, and photoshop tutorials. Please also visit where there is free high resolution desktop wallpaper available.

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How To Find Out If You Are Making Money In Your Yoga Studio Business

One of the major challenges that many studios face is dealing with finances. This doesnt necessarily mean just paying the bills, but knowing exactly how much money you made each month. Not just that you have money in the bank, but knowing what your expenses were and how much profit you made.

Perhaps you do this already, using QuickBooks (or something like it), and every transaction is entered, categorized and reconciled. At the end of the month you generate a profit and loss statement and examine your expenses and revenue to determine where you made money and where you lost money.

If you dont do this, you might wonder, Why should I care, as long as Im making money? Good question.

The goal is to determine where you really make money, and where you dont. Then, do more of whatever you do that makes money, as well as change or eliminate the things that dont make money.

For example, do you know exactly how much you made from classes this month as opposed to last month? Maybe youve done some advertising these numbers will tell you if it was worth it or not.

For example, suppose you find that for the past 6 months, you average of $5,000 from selling memberships per month, after paying instructors. Then, one month you spend $1,000 to do some radio advertising. At the end of this month, you again look at your profit and loss statement and see that you made $7,500. You made an extra $2,500, but the advertising cost $1,000, so in reality, your increase in profit from radio advertising was only $1,500. This tells you that it is worthwhile to use radio ads.

On the other hand, lets say you only made $5,800 on memberships that month. On the surface it appears you made and extra $800, but after taking into account that you spent an extra $1,000 on the radio ad, you really made $200 less than you had previously averaged.

Your conclusion would be that this type of radio advertising was not a good way to make more money. Yes, you did get more students from the radio ad, but not enough to offset the cost of the ad.

Think of it like a runner timing herself each time she practices the 100-yard dash. The stopwatch will tell her exactly how she did today compared to yesterday or last week. Maybe shes trying to decide if eating before running makes her faster, slower or has no effect. Without the stopwatch, she could feel like she was faster or slower, but not really know for sure.

The same is true for business. When we dont accurately measure profits and expenses, we end up like the runner who says Boy, I felt fast today! Sure, you probably have a good intuitive sense of how the studio is doing. And knowing the exact numbers will allow you to take your studio to a new level.

Doing this kind of analysis of profits can help you earn more and stress less. So often a studio will try the Advertising strategy of the month, randomly trying things to bring in more business, but never really knowing if they earned more money from it.

As you get more experienced with doing this (its actually not hard once you get used to it), youll be able to focus on those things that make money, and change or eliminate those that dont. And remember, as the one who is in charge of running the studio, no one cares more about the bottom line than you do.

I work with many people on this very idea: How to figure out where you are making money and losing money so that you can make your studio more profitable. If you have a questions you would like me to address about this, please email me at, and I will try to address it in a future newsletter.

Coach Al Lipper
Business Coach for yoga Studios
Destiny: Success
Telephone: (805) 544-3938

Coach Al Lipper of 'Destiny: Success' helps yoga studio business owners smoothly run and grow their yoga studio. He helps stressed and overwhelmed yoga studio business owners who spend most their time wrapped up in daily business tasks, who can't handle any more clients, or who can't make any more money out of the business. Coach Al helps clients find new yoga business strategies which result in generating more clients, increased profits, and more free time for the yoga studio owner. The amount invested was small compared to the results. Contact him today to discuss your yoga studio challenges at (805) 544-3938 or visit

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