Saturday, January 12, 2008 

How Does The Calorie Shifting Diet Work?

You may have heard of the new diet regimen known as "calorie Shifting". Unlike "low-fat", "low-carb", and "low-calorie" diets, this diet is not "low" in any respect. The focus of this diet is on triggering your body's metabolism by deliberately structuring the type of calories you ingest at what times of the day. This method allows you to eat from all of the food groups and requires you to eat four complete meals each day. Following this diet can yield rapid weight loss results without leaving you to feel deprived.

While the other diets do arguably work, they typically fall into the category of so-called "yo-yo" diets, because the method of weight loss in those circumstances requires you to sacrifice the foods you enjoy eating. Many people eventually give in and sabotoge their diet because of this deprivation. You can only go without bread or without fatty foods for so long. And even if you cut down your calories, you feel hungry throughout the day.

take the Atkins diet for example. Yes you will lose a lot of weight rapidly on this diet. But it is not a diet that is easy to follow. most people who try this diet eventually give up and some even end up gaining all or more of the weight back, because they go on a carbohydrate binge, after having deprived themselves of it.

As for a low-fat diet, you will not experience rapid weight loss. You will end up feeling deprived of the tasty foods that you enjoy eating. And it is very difficult to gauge the effectiveness of this type of diet, because you would still need to combine it with a low-calorie diet in order for it to work.

As far as the low-calorie diet, yes, science has proven that if you burn more calorie you consume then you will lose weight. But on the WeightWatchers diet, you will only lose one to two pounds per week.

Also, science has proven that by starving yourself in this manner, by radically reducing your caloric intake, your metabolism will compensate for the reduction in calories, so that it will not allow you to lose weight as rapidly.

Your body's metabolism is what triggers weight loss and weight gain. Why is it that some people can eat a huge meal and not gain any weight? Why is that some people starve themselves and they don't seem to lose any weight? They reach a plateau.

the focus of the calorie shifting diet is on triggering your body's metabolism by eating the right combination of foods at the right times in order to be conducive to rapid weight loss.

There is no calorie reduction on the calorie shifting diet regimen. You achieve fat loss through following a structured diet plan in which foods from each food group are categorically distributed across four meals on each day that will induce weight loss. Of course you cannot overindulge in food either! But if you follow this diet you won't go hungry either. You will feel satisfied.

This diet is straightforward enough that the inventors of this diet have coined it the "Idiot Proof Fat Loss" diet.

H Khan has been struggling with weight loss for many years and has tried numerous diet plans only to meet with failure each time. It was not until discovering the Idiot Proof Fat Loss Diet that the promise of permanent weight loss became a reality for him. To learn more about how the calorie shifting diet works and to gain access to sample menus and diet plans that you should follow, check out

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Indoor Soccer to go High Tech

One of the newest trends in the world of soccer is the high-tech indoor soccer stadiums. They are used for all year around play without regard to seasonality. many of these stadiums are owned by companies, which lease or rent them out to the teams. The business model is quite profitable and some markets have more than one company with more than one facility each. These companies also sell items such as soccer balls, refreshments and video play back services. They also often have automatic kicking machines for practice like those used in tennis or for batting training in baseball.

Since these soccer arenas are indoors and climate controlled I propose that we take the coaching and training to a much higher level. I propose that we incorporate Holographic Technologies, which are getting closer to becoming reality, and use them to teach soccer techniques. Imagine the benefits to coaching if you took some of the greatest plays in world Cup soccer and allowed the kids to replay them. Setting up the holographic 3D images to move in full motion video on the field.

first you would put an athlete next to each of the players and then run the projection as the athletes matched them stride for stride and step for step, aligning themselves to confront the opponent by moving with the hologram into position and taking the shot or defending the goal. The athletes and players would learn emensly by watching and playing along side the greats. And all this is nearly possible. By using special coatings on the artificial grass to help the projection reflection it could be done quite easily. Think on this new technology and what it means for youth soccer.

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Improved Customer Service With Cost Effective New Technology Restuarant Paging System

If you are a restaurateur then you know the importance of quality customer service. If there is one thing that customers look forward to while visiting a restaurant, then it is customer service. An effective paging system is the key to low cost promotions and creating an everlasting impression in the mind of your clients.

Gone are the days when paging systems were bulky and had very few options. Today, there are light weight text messaging based paging systems which are highly effective and do not require the clients to stay within the range of the paging system to ensure that they receive the message. While this kind of restaurant paging system is relatively new, it is fast replacing the older versions.

Today, all that a client has to provide is his/her mobile number and name and also whether he/she would be interested in receiving promotions via the paging system. Then the client can easily rest in the lobby or enjoy the attractions around your restaurant. When the table is ready, the client receives a short text message on his mobile phone notifying him/her about the availability. Its simple, easy and fast. Most importantly, the system is highly cost effective. If a customer is willing to receive promotions via his mobile phone, then there is no better way than this to send him highly customized promotional messages.

The only equipment needed is a computer with an internet connection and you are all set to use it. In addition to the notification, you can also invite the clients for future special events etc.

The restaurant paging system also allows you to add additional information about the customer like his anniversary or birthday. This will allow you to send them greetings and wishes as well. Remember, there is no better way than a message or a greeting to keep your name fresh in the mind of the client.

For more info visit : Restaurant Paging System

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