Friday, January 4, 2008 

Do You Live in a Flood Zone - 12% of Americans Do!

Over 12% of the united States population lives within a flood zone and even more people live close to the ocean, which means they are also potentially in danger of being flooded out by excessively high tides high, tsunamis or hurricanes storm surges. We have all heard of the famous fifth-year flood or the hundred year flood study if we look at Environmental Impact reports and building codes or master plans for most municipalities and counties.

These are quite real no matter how much they are downplayed or how often they are mitigated by giant cement ditches or runoff canals. The fact is 12% of Americans still live in a flood zone and that means is not a matter of if, but when. Lately we have been seeing quite a bit of flooding in the united States due to extreme weather.

Indeed, more people die from floods, then any other natural disaster and just because we live in a modern civilization such as the united States does not mean we are immune to these challenges or problems. Of course if you live in a flood zone it might be wise to have flood insurance although this might not be enough and even if you collect on insurance you still generally lose everything.

It would be wise before buying a home or moving into an area that you check to see if the region has historically had large floods within the last 200 years. And don't kid yourself even if a big flood only comes every 200 years that means in any 20 year that you have a one in 10 chance of being flooded out. It makes sense to play it safe and smart and not take anyone else's word for it. If you do not believe what I'm saying, turn on the news.

L. Winslow is a Disaster Assistance Advisor to the online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entreprenuer. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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