Monday, January 28, 2008 

Karaoke Microphones

The best Karaoke microphones are durable and have high quality. There are many places that one can use a karaoke microphone - from a club to a computer equipped with karaoke software. There are different microphones for different settings. For instance, a usb microphone would be redundant in a bar, but ideal for computer use.

First and foremost, it is necessary to check that the microphone comes with ambient noise filters; that gets rid of the background noise. You should then check the frequency response. The average response should vary from around 10,000 Hz to12, 000 Hz. The lighter the karaoke microphone, the better. The Uni-Directional Dynamic microphones are some of the most popular. They come around 2 inches to 10 inches long, and weigh about 10 oz. Uni-Directional Dynamic Microphones are available in cable and wireless models. With the appropriate adaptors, cable microphones work with just about everything.

When purchasing a wireless karaoke microphone, you should check the range and make sure there is no loss in connection between the receiver and the microphone. It is possible to get a decent quality karaoke microphone for under $100. However, the cheaper price means quality is compromised. Though, the word quality is overrated when it comes to karaoke microphones. A professional may find faults in a microphone; but for a layman, the same product may sound as good as a high-end microphone. Budget karaoke microphones do come with a catalog of advanced features that give them adequate quality. They may suffer in comparison to professional microphones, but budget karaoke microphones are the ideal investments for home use or even a bar.

Yoga Tai Meditation


Brahmavarchas Research Institute - The Humble Scientific Research Endeavor

Almighty God has given man His very own form. From the standpoint of consciousness all those divine Powers that the Creator (God) possesses are found in the deep recesses of the human psyche albeit in latent form. In this manner all the power and energy present in the macrocosm (cosmos) is present in the microcosm (human psyche). The microcosm is the smallest unit of the macrocosm. All functional aspects of the Solar System are found in its smallest unit i.e. the atom. The divine glory of God exists in individual souls. It is hence that man is called the Prince of God who is the King or ruler of this cosmos. vedanta philosophy very articulately proclaims that the living being (Jiva) and cosmic consciousness (God) are one i.e. non-dual or Advaita.

And yet the obvious question that needs to be answered is: If a creature and God are one how come such gigantic differences are seen between both? If indeed man is a Prince of that God who abounds with divine wealth, why is he (human being) so poor and weak? Great seers while answering this all important question opine that although it is true that man possesses all the divine glories of God, this divine wealth lies latent in his psyche/soul. It is like a seed that contains an entire tree or that a locked vault contains untold precious jewels. Thus the locked vault of divine Powers in mans psyche needs to be opened via the key of intense spiritual efforts (Sadhana). Spiritual practices are called Sadhana and they reap rich dividends on the basis of apt psychic credentials (Paatrata) and ethics in ones day to day life. It is only when man passes this most important test that he can become a master of the divine wealth of the cosmos. The principle of Sadhana say Sidhi or Attaining the goal via spiritual endeavor is well known. The philosophy of spiritual endeavor is equivalent to scientific inventions and discoveries. Today man with his intense efforts and sharp intellect has unearthed many material powers via scientific research. Great scientific endeavors have today given us material energy tapped from sources like steam, radio, atom etc.

The human body is like an infinite storehouse of precious jewels i.e. divine wealth. If only via spiritual practices man awakens this divine glory all those divine Powers attained by Rishis, saints, seers of yore and today can be attained by him too. Sadhana is nothing but awakening the latent divine potentials that lie untapped in the deep cave of mans psyche and soul.

Human existence can be called an all encompassing scientific laboratory. The human body enfolds all powers/energies of nature albeit in seed form. Human consciousness harbors in seed form Gods unlimited divine consciousness. In order to attain cosmic consciousness those efforts are required akin to first sowing a seed in fertile soil, watering it and helping it bloom forth like a skillful gardener who looks after his various plants and trees. Although the atom possesses infinite potent nuclear energy, it can be tapped only by adept scientists with their scientific tools. For a layman this task is well nigh impossible. In order that an embryo grows into a human baby (after the males sperm unites with the females ovum) it has to mature in its mothers womb for 9 months on an average. This is called Sadhana say Sidhi i.e. Making due efforts to attain the goal. In order to become a scholar, wrestler, boxer, artist, scientist, businessman etc intense efforts are required. In the same way if one desires to awaken latent divine Powers in ones soul intense efforts are required (Sadhana) so as to witness miraculous results. Soul advancement spiritual practices are termed as high stature endeavors.

Spiritual practices are a science by themselves. One requires aid of spiritual philosophy so as to make sacred and pure ones inner sentiments, beliefs, aspirations and thinking. This is also called Jnana Yoga or Yoga of Wisdom. Hence one needs to pursue mental reflection, meditation, concentration etc. An all round progress can be achieved by associating with realized saints, seers and studying sacred scriptures with deep devotion. To put this in a nutshell this itself is Spiritual philosophy or the Yoga of Wisdom. Within it predominantly the principle of mental reflection in a focused manner is deployed.

The other important leg of spiritual endeavor is Kriya Yoga wherein physical or bodily movements too are taken recourse to. It encompasses Asan (posture), Pranayam, Bandha, Mudra, vows, fasts, pilgrimages, Mantra chanting or Japa, Yajna or fire sacrifices etc. Thus true spiritual endeavor revolves around both, Dhyana Yoga or Meditation and Kriya Yoga (includes Hatha Yoga too).

There was a time centuries back that like Modern Science of today, Spiritual Sciences ruled the roost. In it within the laboratory of the human body divine Powers were manifested in the individuals body. These benefits were termed Sidhis by seers of yore. As against this Ridhis are psychic and sentimental glories attained via purification of ones consciousness and psyche. In ancient times spiritual seekers who underwent spiritual practices attained both Ridhis and Sidhis. If one compares the benefits attained by todays modern scientific research they significantly pale in front of the achievements of spiritual seers of ancient times. The laboratory of Spiritual Science is the human body and hence it does not require external apparatus like fuel, technology, chemicals and other apparatus used in a modern science laboratory. And yet despite being so priceless Spiritual Science it can easily be availed of by entire world humanity. It is a divine gift of God and that indeed is mans good fortune.

Spiritual endeavor is said to be supreme amongst all human endeavors. It is a means via which man can attain both material and spiritual benefits. In the Sadhana Age or the Era of Spiritual Practices, Spiritual Science was in full vogue and very well imbibed the world over. There was both zeal and zest in that era. But alas! Today man is full of greed, envy and avarice. An externalized mind seeks joy and glory in external objects. Today because of a maddening fast life none has the time to self introspect and discover the untold divine wealth lying hidden in the cave of his/her psyche. Man just refuses to give up his lustful, indolent and sensual life and thus master his mind so as to attain the greatness attained by seers and Rishis of ancient times. On the one hand a major chunk of world humanity erroneously discarded this profound science and hence simultaneously the number of great seers and sages of spiritual sciences too diminished drastically. If demand depletes the number of buyers decrease and hence the number of sellers too decrease in tandem. At present in the name of Yoga deluded concepts have come into vogue (blind leading the blind). No doubt one finds hordes of so called Yoga Gurus who sell fantastic dreams to gullible aspirants. The latter just have no clue whether their teacher is genuine or fake. As a result the number of genuine Yoga Gurus and Preceptors who are the only ones who can help laymen reach their spiritual destination is dangerously declining as days pass by. That Great Spiritual Science has been replaced by nothing but vain deluded proclamations akin to a peg of alcohol. Today in the name of spiritual practice mere lip service is being doled out to a large number of gullible people. And hence both the layman and intellectual class harbor aversion for it.

Today we realize that the need of the hour is to research into the ancient Spiritual Sciences in a modern scientific manner and thus understand its aptness, true state and form. This is the way we can transform atheism into theism. Since Spiritual Sciences are infinitely more potent and beneficial than Material Science, it should not lie in a hapless ruined state as is seen today. In order to solve this problem once and for all we have established the Brahmavarchas Research Institute. Within its realm the human body is looked upon as a laboratory and intense efforts are being made to manifest divine Powers that so far existed latently in mans psyche. For this it was most required that in this modern scientific age necessary proof be made available to the highly intellectual class of world humanity. Only then will even the layman accept its true credentials and imbibe them wholeheartedly.

The Spiritual Science of the area of consciousness is called Super divine Wisdom Gayatri (Mahaprajna Gayatri). That science which influences material nature (Prakriti) is called Agnihotra. Both are mutually conjoined to one another as a pair. Both are mutually dependent on one another. Agnihotra is most required for ripening and manifesting mans conscious potentials. It is like exposing bricks into a furnace for toughening them up or like making our speech more audible by using a microphone. When fire and water unite steam manifests which is used to run trains. Programs heard on radios mainly use electrical energy. Similarly within the realm of spiritual practices (Sadhana) Gayatri manifests via the combination of sentimental consciousness and word power (Shabda Shakti). This Gayatri is hence made more prolific via the divine energy of Agnihotra. Gayatri symbolizes Yoga of Sacred Sentiments and Agnihotra symbolizes Kriya Yoga. Gayatri and Yajna are said to be the Mother and Father of Indian culture. Within the field of spiritual endeavor they are compared to Prana (Vital Force) and the physical body. The first step of transformation and purification of the psyche and body is development of a pious character and ethical dealings in ones day to day social and professional life. It is only then that one can enter the portals of spiritual practices.

The Brahmavarchas Research Institute is targeting its research on those areas that are related to the goals of various spiritual practices. We are trying to prove that Gayatri Mantra Word Power is not some ordinary mutterings and that it instead activates via incitement our conscious arena. Which precepts are involved in radiating our character and personality and how does it influence the environment? This is being seriously studied at the Brahmavarchas Research Institute. Word Power is an intense and terrific form of divine energy. various creatures inwardly contact one another with its help. It is the fount of spiritual wisdom and modern scientific laws. Thus we must deeply understand that Mantra Power can be used optimally in ones self/soul unfolding, for helping in others advancement and transforming both the gross and subtle atmosphere of the world in a very positive manner.

Another major research area dealt with by the Brahmavarchas Research Institute is the mysteries of the Science of Mantra Chanting called Japa. Over here we are mainly concentrating on Super Mantra Gayatri. Very advanced scientific technical apparatus is being used in or hi-fi laboratory to analyze the potential of Word Power while chanting Mantras. When we hold spiritual camps for our devotees we also scientifically study the results of Mantras chanted by them. So far the results indicate that Mantra Energy is n-fold more powerful than Yantra Energy (machines and technology).

It is erroneous to believe that Agnihotra is simply a lit pyre of fire. Instead know for sure that it is our Vital Force that manifests a divine fire. In that not only are divine herbs made more subtle that influence a vast area but that the devotees Mantra Power sanctifies and makes more powerful their Vital Force energy (Prana Urja). Hence its widespread influence is indeed gigantic and cosmic in nature. Great seers of yore proclaim in one voice that Yajnas improve our physical health, purify our will power and augment divinity in our soul force. Hence they are said to be priceless means of remedial measures and ones all round progress. Further global pollution which is cause for serious concern all over the world can be greatly warded off via Yajnas and Mantra Chanting. It is strongly believed that rains can be invoked via Yajnas. It is prudent to note that over here rains does not simply mean monsoon season but that the cosmic vital energy rains on Earth so as to add more vim and vigor in our plant life, other creatures and of course human beings too.

If we make intense efforts to understand the true utility of the above benefits and thus make optimal and apt use of them a bright future is in the offing for world humanity and thus various problems faced by us can be easily overcome. In this manner the Brahmavarchas Research Institute of Shantikunj (Haridwar, Uttaranchal, India) is scientifically studying all the principles and tenets that are the foundation stones of the Science of Sadhana (spiritual practices). The progress attained via Spiritual Sciences should no way be looked upon as superficial in comparison to the advancement attained via Modern Material Science. Apart from Gayatri and Agnihotra, Spiritual Camps organized by us deals with other forms of spiritual practices too. Its results are being minutely noted via scientific experimentation techniques. When spiritual seekers are made to undergo high leveled spiritual practices of Brahmavarchas not only is their initial and final inner state is noted but that the high-low and pendulum-like state that they go through in between too is being focused on deeply. It is only then that we can truly understand the important basis of Soul Science, the method of spiritual endeavor and the underlying principle behind it. In this computer age of I believe only that which I perceive with my 5 senses it is most required that we prove beyond doubt to both, the laymen and highly intellectual class, the importance of both material and spiritual tenets. This is exactly the task taken up on a war footing by the Brahmavarchas Research Institute.

The most important aspect of Mysticism is to understand deeply the benefits of interstellar space radiations and other potentials on our planet Earth and that along with staving off side effects we make optimum gains with its aid. Keeping this in mind a laboratory has been set up at Shantikunj to study and note interstellar space movements and states. On the basis of these calculations and other mathematical calculations a new Panchang shall be published. In that not only the planets discovered by ancient seers but those discovered by modern science like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto too will be dealt with. It will encompass Panchangs of various regions and method of making a Kundli (horoscope) of a person born in a particular place. Greater emphasis is being laid on the influence of interstellar space emissions on the Earths atmosphere and all creatures dwelling on it. On the basis of this finding we can find methods of balancing varied circumstances that visit our daily life. Today Astrology is called blind belief but with our systematic scientific analysis this will not be the case in the coming years. It is certainly not an overstatement if we call this the total transformation of Astrological Sciences.

The Brahmavarchas Research Institutes endeavor is extremely priceless from the standpoint of elucidating the true nature of Spiritual Sciences and Spiritual Practices (Sadhana Vijnana). Only time will tell us as to how our sacred endeavor results in great service to world beings for their material and spiritual unfolding.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya, founder of the international Gayatri Family, was a great Yogi, seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e-books visit: (GOOGLE PR 4) and (Google 5)

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