Wednesday, March 12, 2008 

iPhone, Affording Todays Cell Phones Is Tough, Solutions Exist

It has been said that where there is a will, there is a way. That sentiment is well served by being applied to the purchasing of todays cell phones and other electronic gadgets. The term techo-geek, short for Technology Geek, no longer applies to just the pocket protector using, braces wearing, non athletic, characters pictured in the TV shows and Movies. Now, this once derogatory term can be applied to the masses at large with no negative connotation whatsoever.

We all love our cell phones and PDAs and that love is only getting stronger as or lives demand our input in events at various locations simultaneously. As new technology provides more and more stay in touch capacity. We quickly fill that capacity with a new task that we add to our list. Technology is only feeding the internal human desire to do as much as possible, as fast as possible, while on the move.

This insatiable desire however, does run into a small snag. Living on the cutting edge of technology requires one to occupy a relatively expensive piece of technology real estate. In laymans terms, it costs a lot of money to have the best technology solutions at your finger tips.

Some would disagree and would point out that the price for hot electronics items drop over time. However, that statement nullifies itself. In the time that one waits for the price to drop other technologies are emerging, and once the price drops it is either inferior technology, technology that has been matched by its competitors or it soon will be inferior technology.

"I think $600 is too high for a phone" says Inez Washington " I was just going to let the price drop then get it, but if I can pay for half of the cost with this toolbar, I will get it sooner."

For those that clamor to have the cutting edge product, it is actually an expensive and futile attempt to capture what can never be caught. Technology is fast moving and it costs money to keep pace with it. The latest phone on the market is the iPhone $600.00 + tax, + monthly service fees worth of sweet enough to eat technology. just the term iPhone conjures up the picture of walking down the street, listening to music, posting pictures on the internet while making a call to you stock broker concerning the company that you just heard about via an email.

I know many of you missed the most important part of that conjuring example six hundred dollars?..+ tax, + monthly service charges. This is the part that is standing in the way of many would-be iPhone owners. The cell Phone Money Toolbar really helps with this problem.

Many parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts know that this latest launch will have a major impact on the Christmas list and Christmas budget. With the older loved ones asking for a iPhone at $600 and the younger loved ones expecting such gifts as the Playstation 3 at $600. Budgets can quickly get out of hand. Ladies and gents, this is just the beginning and this pricing structure could soon become the norm. How does one purchase an iPhone for one child and ignore the fact that the other child wants a Playstation 3? That problem only stays at $1200 if there are only 2 children to consider in this round of purchasing.

Some people have actually begun working extra hours and cutting back on other things, so that they can afford one of these sweet devices. Some dont have the option of working additional hours so they are scrambling to find a way to purchase one without totally throwing their finances in disarray.

Ten random individuals were asked about the iPhone and some interesting information about peoples mentality toward the gadget was discovered. 10 out of 10 wanted one, 7 out of 10 intended to get one, 5 out of 10 knew where the money would come from to get one, and only 2 out of 10 didnt feel like the $600.00 would be that much of a stretch. When asked why they wanted an iPhone, the most common answer was because I can do more with it.

No specifics, no breaking that statement down, just the marketing, programmed answer of I can do more with it. Thats good enough for me I guess.

The iPhone is cool and puts all of your current desires at your figure tips. If we could get it to clean the house or mow the lawn, I get the feeling there would be a lot of relationships that break up right about now.

There are online ways to afford these types of products with out breaking the bank. The cell phone Money Toolbar provides users the opportunity to earn the extra money they need for that elusive iPhone. This tool puts the iPhone in the reach of millions of people free of charge. Shy of getting a second job, this is the best way to afford the currently unaffordable iPhone.

The cell Phone Money Toolbar interfaces with TypoBounty dot com. TypoBounty is where companies will pay you to help them find errors on their web properties.

The money gained can be used to purchase the iPhone or anything else one desires.

If your goal is to get an iPhone while they are hot it is imperative to offset the cost. If your off spring want to have the power and cool factor of the iphone at their disposal, you can tell them that they can pay for it themselves and not mean it in a bad way.

Remember, it is often best to wait for prices to drop, but if your situation does not conveniently allow for that, at least try to shop smarter and supplement your budget to offset the cost of the phone and services.

John Reed has 15 years business experience and is a techno geek that has had the opportunity to use and review multiple technical devices. You can read moreabout gaining money to supplement your geek budget at

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El Nino Season Comes to West Coast in Winter of 2006-2007

It has now been confirmed with scientists, meteorologists and climatologists that the Pacific ocean is heating up and we can expect El Nio season whether on the Pacific coast during the winter of 2006 and 2007. We all know that El Nio brings lots of rain to the West coast and can cause droughts in the Midwest.

This means that in the united States we need to be prepared. Places like california need to worry about their reservoirs, canals and dams. Those people that live in Malibu california will need to worry about landslides and those that live in low-lying areas will get some flooding this year.

El Nio also causes havoc for the Midwest and droughts can hurt crops such as corn to make ethanol and crops to feed livestock. Often it very much hurts our American farmers and those towns in Middle America. There is not much we can do now to change the coming El Nino trend, it is coming and we will have to deal with it once again.

El Nino can also be a problem as it causes vegitation to grow quickly and therefore it grows up tall, but then that means more to dry out later causing more fuel for late summer wildfires and the fire season that follows.

Some even believe that El Nino affects plate tectonics and can be at least a percentage of the cause of Earthquakes and shifts. So, El Nino is a force to be reckoned with and therefore we need to be prepared in advance in our civilization to handle Mother Natures normal climate shifts. Please consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, washington

Danville Yoga And Meditation


How to Compare Weight Loss Supplements

With all the weight loss products available, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. That is why we need to compare weight loss supplement products carefully before buying them. Its not enough to just compare weight loss supplement products by brand. compare them based on how they work, their side effects (if any), how fast they work, and their prices. Here is a simple guide to help you out.

Prescription weight loss supplements
You can compare weight loss supplement products based on whether you can buy them with or without a prescription. Prescription weight loss supplements are usually given to obese patients who need more potent medications. Obese patients are those with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, although a BMI of 27 may require the same medication if the patient has a high risk of heart disease or other complications. Prescription drugs are also given to those who are having a hard time losing weight, even with proper diet and regular exercise. These drugs are approved by the food and Drug Administration (FDA). Effectiveness may vary from person to person, but most users lose around 5% to 10% of their original weight.

Another way to compare weight loss supplement products is by the way they work. The two most common types are appetite suppressants and fat blockers. Almost all prescription weight loss supplements work as appetite suppressants, except for Orlistat (Xenical). approved by the FDA in 1999 as an anti-obesity drug, it works by inhibiting the lipase enzyme responsible for breaking down dietary fat in the body. xenical can decrease the body's fat absorption by up to 30%. However, it comes with minor side effects, such as cramping, flatulence, intestinal discomfort, oily stools, and diarrhea.

Another popular weight loss supplement is meridia. Unlike xenical, it is an appetite suppressant, so it works in a completely different manner. It received approval from the fda in 1997 and works by increasing brain chemicals believed to help reduce one's appetite.

Despite its fda approval, however, meridia has been linked to increased heart rate and blood pressure. It should not be used by those with hypertension , heart disease, irregular heartbeat, and congenital heart problems. Other side effects include insomnia, dry mouth, constipation, and headaches.

Short-term supplements
You can also compare weight loss supplement products based on how long you can use them. Some anti-obesity drugs are prescribed by doctors, but approved by the FDA only for limited and short-term use. Examples are Desoxyn (methamphetamine), Bontril (phendimetrazine tartrate), adipex-P (phentermine), and ionamin. These drugs are restricted because of their potential side effects. They should not be used by people who have high blood pressure, heart disease, glaucoma, or an over-active thyroid gland. Since they are speedy, they are only approved for a maximum of three weeks.

Over-the-counter weight loss supplements
Some products are available over the counter, with no prescription needed. When you compare weight loss supplement products of this type, be sure to look at their ingredients, supposed benefits, and potential side effects. Most otc weight loss supplements contain phenylpropanolamine as their main active ingredient.

The phenylpropanolamine scare
Phenylpropanolamine is also used as a nasal decongestant. However, studies have found evidence that it increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, or bleeding in the brain. Because of this, the fda has requested the drugs manufacturers to stop selling products containing the ingredient. The fda has also warned consumers through a public health advisory in November 2000 to stop buying and using such products.

Unproven claims
Since the fda does not strictly regulate supplements, many weight loss product manufacturers make false claims about their products. You never know when a promising product will turn out to be a fake or contain something harmful to your health.

Be especially careful of products with the labels natural or herbal. These terms do not necessarily guarantee safety. Not all herbal ingredients are safe; in fact, some may even be dangerous for people with existing medical conditions. If you are unsure about a product, check with your doctor first and do a little research on your own. learn which ingredients to look out for and which ones to avoid. Remember, labels dont tell you everything, so always get a second opinion.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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My Wallet is Ringing

Imagine paying for things with your cell phone. The Wireless Wallet is an idea that is picking up steam again, after the initial hype during the bubble fizzled along with everyones stock portfolio. As usual, Asia and Europe are ahead of the United States in the introduction and use of new technologies using wireless data networks. In places other than the US, consumers are buying soda pop, paying for songs on jukeboxes, purchasing their groceries, and going to soccer games just by waving their cell phones at a machine!

In Sweden and the British Isles, drivers are sending text messages to the parking meter to pay for their parking, instead of stuffing it with coins. Think of the savings of time and trouble of not having to race the meter maid out to your car, to plunk in more change, you could simply send a message from across town! The Japanese are probably the most advanced at this technology, right now. They are using phones with embedded debit card chips that allow them to shop at restaurants and grocery stores and pay with their phones. The service is available in around 20,000 stores.

US companies often look to DoCoMo company in japan for inspiration and innovation, and they are watching the Japanese begin to use the phone as a replacement for train tickets. All of our wireless providers and phone manufacturers are currently involved in projects bringing this technology to our shores. Last year in Dallas, Texas, motorola and Mastercard had a trial run of a few hundred consumers using the wave and pay system at stores and gas stations. The technology is called near field communications and works when the device is about 8 inches from the sensor, similar to the check out scanner in supermarkets.

Wireless companies are convinced the wireless wallet is worth developing because consumers in the US spent over 220 million dollars on Ringtones in 2004. J. P. Morgan Chase is testing the similar idea of cards that can be swiped to pay for things. They are involved with McDonalds and the 7-Eleven convenience store chain at implementing this in over 5000 stores. The idea is to then embed the contactless cards into phones. Some are still not convinced that this is a tenable idea, but Major League Baseball is intrigued by the technology, because they see it as an efficient way to get large numbers of fans into the baseball parks in a short amount of time. I can just imagine a promotion where your phone is singing the tune: Take me out to the ball game

As ubiquitous computing emerges, I think we will see our phones become TVs, music players, organizers, video arcades, Internet surfing devices, and more. And yes, it looks like they are well on their way to becoming wallets. The next time someone asks you for spare change, you can say, sorry, I left my phone at home!

A leader in technology reporting, Julia Hall has published articles about the latest digital devices and gadgets for over ten years. After graduating from MIT with a degree in electrical engineering, Julia turned down huge salaries from some of the most recognized fortune 500 companies in the world to pursue her dream of becoming a leading consumer advocate. Julia uses her expertise to cut through the too good to be true deals offered by high tech companies to reveal the real steals and the real duds that we're bombarded with daily. If you enjoy staying on the cutting edge of technology, whether for business or pleasure, but find yourself occasionally confused by the overwhelming information out there let Julia be your guide.

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How to Download Xbox 360 Games

If you are regularly buying xbox 360 games then you are probably spending a fortune of hard earned cash. Often you will buy an xbox 360 game and finish it very quickly, which makes you feel that you have wasted your money. There is now an alternative to buying game after game, on the internet there are sites which let you download xbox 360 games.

There are now sites which have put together huge data bases full of Xbox 360 media, and for a small membership fee you get access to unlimited downloads including music, movies and TV shows as well as all the latest games. I strongly advise against using free torrent download sites as you are very likely to end up with viruses and spyware on your computer. The trusted sites are very easy to use, with simple online step by step instructions on how to find and download the game of your choice. The better sites will include 24/7 online customer support for if your having trouble or for general inquiries. A good download site will only charge a small membership fee which you pay once and then get unlimited downloads for life as well as free updates.

My favourite download site is extremely safe to use, no viruses or spyware. It even has all the tools needed to download your game and then burn it so you can play it on your Xbox 360 straight away. So its time to stop going all the way to the game shop and wasting money, choose a good download site and get unlimited downloads for a one time membership fee. Be careful not to choose a site where you have to pay monthly subscriptions or pay per download fees, i think these sites are a waste of money, when you can just use a site which is just as good if not better that only charges an initial membership fee.

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