Monday, March 10, 2008 

Getting Started With Satellite Radio in Four Easy Steps

The popularity of satellite radio is growing each year and for good reason. From the convenience of being able to listen to a favorite station from virtually anywhere without interruption and excellent sound quality to the wide variety of programming and less frequent commercial interruptions, the service is well worth the low monthly fee for many individuals.

For those who want more entertainment than what traditional radio or their own private music collection can offer, the question that arises is not whether or not satellite radio is a good choice but how to get the service started.

Clearly, the first step in getting started with satellite radio is to select the service. While Europe has WorldSpace, the US uses two providers; Sirius and XM Radio. Both offer well over 160 channels of listening that is virtually commercial free. Pricing for both is in the neighborhood of $13 per month plus the cost of receivers and a small one time activation fee. Potential buyers can easily research the available programming through both Sirius and XM Radio via their respective websites and determine which subscription plan will meet their entertainment needs.

For those who would prefer a side by side comparison of the two services a simple search on Google for "Sirius vs. XM" will reveal numerous sites that provide a current "at-a-glance" comparison of the two satellite radio providers.

Once the choice is made, equipment will be necessary as a satellite radio receiver will be required. This could include a home receiver, car stereo, plug-and-play type device for use in both the home and car, or perhaps a small personal listening device. This equipment can be available through many reputable home electronics stores as well as directly through Sirius or XM Radio.

Any necessary installation of receivers in a car or boat can be done professionally or as a do-it-yourself task. Sirius for instance provides detailed, simple written instructions for installation via their site; as well as a video demonstration of installation.

After the installation of any receivers, another visit online, or by telephone, allows new customers to activate the satellite radio service for the subscription plan selected.

Obviously, getting started with satellite radio is not a complex process nor does it entail an exorbitant ongoing expense. Opening up the broader world of excellent radio entertainment is only a few mouse clicks away from reality for the listening public.

Christine Peppler believes that consumers should not have to possess a technology degree to be able to choose home electronics and entertainment devices. Take advantage of the wealth of simple to understand, useful information and shopping available on her website at

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Top Ten House Alarm and Home Security Devices

A mans home is his castle, as the saying goes. But homes today dont normally feature ramparts, drawbridges, moats and six-foot thick stone walls to keep out unwanted visitors. Today, a house alarm, and preferably a managed home security system, is needed to ensure your homes security. Not only does installing a home security system improve the safety of your family and possessions, but it can also decrease your home insurance costs. The Top Ten House Alarm and Home Security Devices list highlights ten devices and features of home security systems that can make your house a safer place.

The Top Ten

10. Talking Devices help you to understand the status of your home and monitoring as well as program the system. Some security systems feature talking master control panels, key pads or remotes. The talking feature may not result in great conversation, but it will help you understand your system a little better.

9. Some home alarm systems include extras like Key Fobs and Remotes to control the system at a distance. Somewhat similar to a cars key fob, home security key fobs include buttons to activate and deactivate the house alarm system. Some even include a panic button that activates the house alarm and alerts the proper authorities in the event of an emergency. remote controls are similar and often larger. The features of remotes vary greatly and can include a full key pad, a talking feature and a panic button as well.

8. Yard Signs and House or Window Decals advertise your homes protection. The Greenwich Study of Residential Security found that homes without alarms were 2.7 to 3.5 times more likely to be burglarized, and that the most effective deterrent was the alarm monitoring companys yard sign (SIA Research Update, Security Industry Association, October 2001). Some choose to post the signs to deter possible break-ins without actually installing a home alarm system. While this effort will lower the odds of an attempted burglary, a yard sign alone cannot fully protect your home.

7. A Back-Up Power supply is important in maintaining home security even during a power outage, when the risk of break-ins and looting is increased. Your home alarm should be effective even when your power is not. The easiest to maintain back-up power supplies use standard size batteries. Look for a model that uses rechargeable batteries to lower your maintenance costs.

6. Smoke Detectors add another layer of protection to your home, especially when they are integrated into the home alarm system. Not only do smoke detectors indicate a fire and give you time to escape safely, but when included in a home security package, they automatically notify the managing company and the fire department. Some systems even integrate the power supply to the smoke detectors. That means you dont have to change the batteries ever!

5. Wireless Systems protect your home without adding extra cords to trip over or extensive installation of in-wall cords. In wireless house alarm systems, each sensor or keypad communicates with the master control panel via radio frequencies or existing wiring in your home. A burglar will never be able to disarm the system by snipping the wires. This ensures the system is fully integrated and monitoring all parts of your home without using up your outlets or creating an obstacle course of wires for you.

4. Extra Key Pads are also important. Exterior mounted key pads can provide secure keyless entry to your family. Some systems also offer remote control key pads which are lightweight and portable. A home alarm system that features a security code with a key pad increases the security of your home. A monitored system can also lock down entry after several repeated, failed attempts at entry which indicate a possible break-in attempt.

3. Key pads may not always be enough to keep burglars out. Sensors on windows and Doors reduce the risk of a burglar entering undetected and are a key part of a home alarm system. Motion Detectors within the home also increase the level of security. The most sophisticated motion detectors include a feature to ignore pets movement to avoid constantly setting the alarm off inadvertently.

2. Installation, monitoring, and Repair Services increase not only the level of safety but the convenience of keeping your home safe. A house alarm alone cannot notify the police or fire department in the event of an emergency. The most complete systems include buttons to notify police departments, fire departments and medical help instantly. Another advantage offered by the best monitoring companies is live customer support and full service installation and repair of the system by employees who have been background checked, licensed and drug tested to ensure your safety. Finally, some companies even offer relocation services to keep you secure even when you move.

1. The classic Master Control Panel is vital to any home alarm system. The central hub of the system, the control panel is usually wall-mounted in an easily accessible place. The panel receives information from all other sensors and key pads, computes it, and transmits relevant information to the monitoring company. If you choose to arm the system from the panel when you leave the house, the master control panel also receives the disarm code when you return home. Some can even be disarmed by telephone!

Of course, this list is not comprehensive, and the needs of every home and homeowner are different. For more tips on choosing the right home alarm system and features to protect your house, I recommend visiting

About the Author: Boyd Norwood is a web content specialist for 10x Marketing. For more information on house alarm and home security systems, please visit

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Exercise Basics For Cancer Patients

studies show that cancer patients can benefit from exercise. However, the cancer patient should use caution and consult with their physician before undertaking an exercise program. There are certain precautions and contraindications to exercise which include severe pain, infection, severe shortness of breath, acute bone and joint pain, platelets lower than 50,000 per microliter, dizziness causing difficulty in balancing and fever. If these contraindications do not exist, your doctor will be able to tell you if you can began a low to moderate intensity exercise program.

Patients undergoing cancer treatment will be able to maintain endurance, strength, and function by performing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. Although there may be fatigue due to cancer treatment, exercising during this time may diminish the side effects associated with treatment. Exercise increases circulation, oxygen intake, tones the cardiovascular system, improves appetite, promotes better digestion, facilitates elimination, improves the metabolic rate, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the lymphatic system.

Also, there are biological mechanisms resulting from exercise which have powerful anti-depressive and stress-controlling effects. This is profoundly important since a cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment can be very stressful and depressing.

The type of exercise for the cancer patient is not that different. Everyone can benefit from weight resistance, cardiovascular/aerobic and flexibility exercises.

Cancer patients may have to start with a low to moderate intensity and build up from there. A cancer patient may work around their symptoms and limitations during cancer therapy. This means that if there is fatigue and/or nausea due to cancer treatment, perhaps that day a short walk and/or some mild and relaxing yoga poses can be performed. The point is to try to work with and around any limitations so that you can continue receiving the benefits of exercise. Patients that are too weak to get out of bed, can move their arms and legs as if bicycling or doing range-of-motion exercises. Once a patient can get out of bed, the next step would be exercising while sitting in a chair followed by exercising while holding on to the chair.

It is never to late to start exercising and cancer patients have a better chance of maintaining their independence and strength. With exercise, the cancer patient will also be able to maintain a positive outlook and handle stress.

At we believe in therapeutic exercise. Exercise at home and save with our exercise dvds. Free shipping. Cecelia Tiemann, D.C. is familiar with the challenges of colon cancer. Since colon cancer runs in the family, exercise programs are an important part of therapy.

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Chlorine and Cancer: What Can a Water Filter Do for You?

Every day, cases of cancer are rising in astounding and unprecedented numbers. While medical professionals work tirelessly to find a cure for this most deadly of diseases, the numbers of terminally ill patients continue to climb. Although the cure for cancer continues to elude medical professionals, it is completely within our own power to protect our families and ourselves and to reduce our risks whenever possible.

In recent years, individuals have begun to seriously examine known carcinogens and to protect themselves from these cancer-causing agents. Sunscreen has become an important defense against skin cancer, and its use is on the rise. The number of smokers attempting to quit rises each day, precisely because of new information about the carcinogenic nature of cigarettes.

The increase in such protective behaviors clearly indicates an increased interest in protecting oneself from cancer risks. Still, droves of people continue to use and drink unfiltered tap water, not knowing about or not believing in the insidious nature of this substance. Whether we like it or not, the water that emerges from our taps, however pristine it may appear, is filled with carcinogenic compounds. A simple water filter can now serve as a valuable safeguard against cancer.

chlorine and Tap Water: Untreated tap water is filled with such dangerous contaminants as nitrate, arsenic, microorganisms, and chemicals from pesticide runoff. Once this water reaches a municipal treatment plant, many contaminants are removed. However, one of the most dangerous contaminants is actually added to drinking water as a part of the treatment process.

chlorine, added as an inexpensive and effective drinking water disinfectant, is also a known poison to the body. It is certainly no coincidence that chlorine gas was used with deadly effectiveness as a weapon in the First World War. This gas was known to severely burn the lungs and other body tissues when inhaled; it is no less powerful when ingested by mouth. Each day, as we use unfiltered tap water, we are effectively pouring bleach into our water before we drink it.

This poisonous chemical, accompanied by its byproducts, is now known to cause at least three types of cancers, among other serious health problems. The U.S. Council of Environmental quality recently released a report stating that the risk of cancer is 93% higher among those drinking chlorinated water than among those not drinking chlorinated water! In the following paragraphs, you can read about the specific cancer risks of chlorinated water and learn how to protect your family and yourself from this insidious poison.

Bladder and Rectal Cancer: chlorine has long been known to be a leading cause of bladder and rectal cancer. Once in water, chlorine interacts with organic compounds to create trihalomethanes (THMs). These THMs are particularly harmful to the body when ingested. When taken into the body, THMs encourage the production of free radicals. These free radicals proceed to destroy or damage vital cells in the body. Because so much of the water we drink ends up in the bladder and/or rectum, ingestions of THMs in drinking water is particularly damaging to these organs. THMs cause innumerable cases of bladder and rectal cancer each year.

Bladder and rectal cancer occur when malignant cells, often created by THMs, infect the inner tissues of the particular organ. Once they have taken hold in the bladder or rectum, the malignant cells can isolate themselves in the infected area or they can spread to infect other areas of the body, potentially causing more deadly forms of cancer. Each year, 13,000 new cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed in women while 37,000 new cases are diagnosed in men. Of these 50,000 new cases each year, slightly more than 20% of individuals will die from the disease. For rectal cancer, more than 40,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and approximately 55% of those individuals diagnosed will die from the disease.

Ironically, one of the best means of protection against these two types of cancer is drinking plenty of fluids. However, drinking larger amounts of contaminated water only exacerbates the risk.

Breast Cancer: Breast cancer is the newest type of cancer to be connected to ingestion of chlorinated water. Breast cancer affects one out of every eight women in the United States alone, and it kills approximately _ of its victims.

Recent research has linked this deadly cancer to a buildup of chlorine compounds in the breast tissue. In a shocking study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut, researchers found that women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer. While chlorine can make its way into our bodies in several ways, there is no means of access more common or more frequent than the ingestion of common, unfiltered tap water.

A Simple Solution: One preventive solution to these three deadly cancers could not be simpler. If chlorinated drinking water is a leading cause of cancer, then the obvious method of reducing ones risk of cancer is to refrain from drinking chlorinated water. We cannot choose whether or not to drink water, but we can choose the type of water we allow into our bodies.

Municipal water treatment plants add chlorine to water to help make it cleaner and more pure, but once that chlorine has performed its function, there is certainly no reason for it to continue its deadly presence in drinking water. A simple home water filter removes chlorine and its byproducts from drinking water, producing clean, pure drinking water that can also serve as a useful protection against cancer. Water filters are one of the only methods of water purification capable of removing chlorine.

So, what can a water filter do for you? The answer is simple but extremely valuable. A water filter can protect an individual from cancer, one of the deadliest killers of the 20th century.

Vanessa Lausch serves as a technical writer for the Aquasana Store,

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